Sunday 10 April 2016

Mangaluru Birds

Mangalore also known as Mangaluru is the chief port city of the Indian state of Karnataka. It is known as Kudla in Tulu. It is located about 371 kilometers west of the state capital, Bangalore. Mangalore lies between the Arabian Sea and the Western Ghat mountain ranges, and is the administrative headquarters of the Dakshina Kannada district in south western Karnataka.

The city has a tropical climate and lies in the path of the Arabian Sea branch of the South-West monsoons. The two rivers Netravati and Gurupura along with estuaries is a home for variety of wandering and migratory birds. The city has several bird habitats and garden houses that attract a wide variety of species. The marshland area near the city has a unique habitat is a best places for them.

Some of the common birds found in an around Mangalore:

Scientific name:  Corvus Splendens
Common name: House Crow

Scientific name:  Milvus Migrans
Common name: Black Kite

Scientific name: Pycnonotidae
Common name: Red-Whiskered Bulbuls

Scientific name: Pycnonotidae
Pair of BulBul
Scientific name of kite Haliastur Indus
Common name: Brahminy Kite

Common name: Cattle Egret   Scientific name:  Bubulcus Ibis
Common name: Cattle Egret

scientific name:Eudynamyus Scolopacea
Common name: Asian Koel (male)

Eudynamyus Scolopacea
Common name: Asian Koel (female)

Scientific name: Alcedo Atthis
Common name: Common Kingfisher

These Birds are so important to our wellbeing. They play a vital role in maintaining the balance of nature. Often, we fail to realize how significant their presence is to us and to our green planet. One of the assets of the region is the nests and breeding ground of the Migratory birds. Poaching of birds and the ever expanding concrete jungle has been a constant cause of worry for many birders and nature lovers. Today where the construction and developments works are increasing in the city is losing its habitat for numbers of avian.
Lying on the backwaters of the Netravati and Gurupura rivers, Mangalore is often used as a staging point for sea traffic along the Malabar Coast. Increase in industrial, commercial, agricultural, processing and port related activities has shown increment in the pollution of water and land usage. The New Mangalore Port is India's seventh largest ports. Imports through Mangalore harbour include crude oil, edible oil, LPG, and timber. Today city has the major enterprise including the Mangalore Chemicals and Fertilizers Ltd. (MCF), Kudremukh Iron Ore Company Ltd. (KIOCL), Mangalore Refinery and Petrochemicals Ltd. (MRPL), BASF, Bharati Shipyard Limited and Total Oil India Limited (ELF Gas), which contributes both in land and water pollution.

Due to the diverse development many migratory birds have lost their breeding and nesting place and the rapid industrialisation is the major reason for the extinction of some species of birds. Increase in the height and number of the buildings which is done in patch forests. Various hydraulic projects in Netravati and Gurupura rivers are disturbing the habitat of the birds in Ghats.
Scientific name: Megalaima Zeylanica
common name: Brown headed Barbet

 Scientific name: Picidae
Common name: Woodpecker

Scientific name: Acridotheres Tristis
Common name: Common Myna

The Environment Protection Act 1986 and Biodiversity Act 2002 which should to be made strict in the region of Western Ghats and Coastal regions of Karnataka; Which eventually will protect the endemic species of birds and their habitat in the region.
Awareness among the people and authorities of the region should be brought, because every individual is equally important to protect the environment and save guard it for the future generation. 

Providing nesting sites, creating a water source, reduce the use of chemicals and pesticides in lawns and gardens. Plant native fruit and berry-bearing bushes and trees on your property and also, maintain ground vegetation and shrubs adjacent to water. That is a structural diversity, with shrubs and herbaceous plants that grow under trees and plants at different heights and groupings. Erect bird feeders in lawns and nectar feeders away from windows and away from predators.

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